Dire Dawa Civil Society Network

Years of impactful community service !
DDCSN is a CSO legally registered by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian, Agency for Civil Society Organizations on July 16/2019, licensed under the registration number 4287, with the objectives to strengthening implementation capacity of member organizations, fighting human right violations, advocating democratization, peace building, strengthening livelihood of disadvantaged community groups, environmental protection are some of the major ones.
Dire Dawa Civil Society Network
Human Rights
Women Rights
Peace Building
Organizational Partnership
DDCSN is one of few NGO in Dire Dawa capable of establishing a sound working relation with regional, national and international partners including government partners as well as nongovernmental actors.
Don’t hasitate to contact with us for inquries!
Our offices is located in Dire Dawa City with diverse communities, inspiring our commitment to sustainable development.